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A New Beginning

It’s January 29, 2019. If you would have asked me last year at this time that my life would look like it does, I would have said, “naaaaw”. An ugly, public separation from a woman I spent five years of my life swimming in toxicity. My fault. Her fault. No fault. I learned what I needed to learn and now, I am living a new existence as a better man.

Second semester of grad school started yesterday and I am now engulfed in the toughest semester of my life. My next six months will determine my next 10 years. If I didn’t say ‘yes’ to you already, I won’t be adding anything else to my schedule. Sorry. I have to put me first. Full-time student teaching at Morse High School and two classes on Monday and Tuesday, plus state requirements to get my credential. On May 19th, I will walk across the stage at the University of San Diego with my M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction and my Single Subject Credential in English. I will be a hot commodity, as a black male English teacher. I look forward to landing where I am supposed to land, with Morse as the first choice.

I have stayed off social media since the year started. I left Facebook after a rant that took me a few hours to end. The space I live in now while off social media has been beautiful and enlightening. I seem to have more opportunities now than ever before. And just because you don’t see me broadcasting, does not mean that the work is not being done. I feel like my work is more meaningful now because the focus isn’t on letting folks know what I am doing. It’s about the fact that I’m doing it. For my community, for me. And this is a blessed place to live in.

My mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health are all that matter at this point. I am the best version of myself I have ever been. And I plan on getting and being even better.

Love y’all, appreciate y’all. And thank you for standing by me.

With Love,

Ronald Preston Clark

p.s. Yes, I have started writing my second book. Yes, it will come out on Sept. 11, 2019. Yes… the answer to the last question you have is… Yes =)